<aside> 🐶 To join Chinkies’ army

Discord: https://discord.gg/ShrZyteCN3

Crew3: https://crew3.xyz/c/tokenomeme/questboard

Galxe: https://galxe.com/Tokenomeme



  1. Join our Discord community
  2. Join our Crew3 community and connect your Discord
  3. Complete the quests in your journey
  4. Claim your Bonies on Galxe

Don't settle for a boring Role - earn Bonies Trophy by completing Quests and bask in the glory of your new status.

When you earn a role with Crew3

Note that all prizes are not automated, so keep an eye on Discord for winners' announcements

Get ready to meme your way to massive rewards!

Let the laughs and rewards begin!